Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pig Roast Time

Kurt's first words to me Saturday morning were, "What time do we go to the pig roast?"

He was going to have a long wait since we wouldn't be leaving home until late afternoon. The 11th annual Community Homestead Pig Roast is a fundraiser for the non-profit community living and working with people with special needs.

"A long time after lunch," I said.

The day passed slowly, and a few more questions, "Is it time to go yet?" were asked and answered before we finally left home.

After the 45-minute drive and parking the car in a farm field, Kurt, Paul and I walked to the community center. Kurt no longer hid his head like he did when we first started coming here seven years ago, but greeted every one, even yelling out to people some distance away.

There was an area blocked off on the left, as you can see in this picture. An electric fence was up and there were spray painted markings on the grass. I puzzled over it for a moment, but let it go. Later, I entered a raffle for a big basket of crafts made by the community members and chose the square "21," Kurt's age.

We had our meal of pork, applesauce, beans, potatoes and bread, (all homemade), in the makeshift dining area under the tents, in case of rain. Fortunately, the rain held off. We were lucky there was cloud cover because the temperature was 84 degrees and muggy.

I had invited John and Harriet Gushue. Fortunately, we found each other and we made room at our table. It was their first time. John mentioned he was interested in seeing the cowpie raffle. Puzzled, and hoping I didn't sign up to win a cowpie, I asked for more details.

Community Homestead is an organic dairy. Here are some of the cows out in the pasture:

Here's the cow that chose the winning number "12" in the fenced off area I had seen earlier:

We took a walk to the gardens and orchard to show our friends around. Kurt was more than happy to be tour guide. These are some of the flowers that are used to create bouquets and sold at farmer's markets.

As we walked around to see the raspberry and blueberry bushes, a cat greeted us.

By the time we got back, the folk dancing had begun.

We had some sliced watermelon and watched the dancing before walking to the car.

Kurt said, "When do we come again for the pig roast?"

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Kurt at 19